Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Starting a food blog!

I can imagine that if you've ever tasted anything that has come out of my parent's kitchen then you too will be interested in the what, how, and why of the foods they cook. I am doing this so that I can make the same foods for my own family and so I will record how it's done, from the source. My mother is a master of traditional Japanese cooking, she barely uses cookbooks, does much of her cooking by taste. She grew up all over Japan, mostly in Tokyo, and was exposed to many of the great flavors of Japan. My father being a chemist is a master of experimentation in the kitchen so he's got some crazy recipes of his own that he's tried and tested over the years. He was born in North Eastern Japan in Sendai, during WWII and so his tastes veer towards great seafood but also hearty and dirty Japanese foods - what you eat when you have nothing.

As an aside, my husband, Chris and I enjoy cooking too and so I am sure I will interject here and there with some of the things we've created from our own kitchen... and our twists on our parent's recipes!

So I thought about starting from the beginning - white rice, miso soup etc... but since we've just had a baby in August, I'm jumping straight into whatever it is that is being made and being eaten in our lives.  Dig in!

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